
Sunday, February 7, 2010

New day....

I woke up this morning to a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. As I sit here in the early part of the day, the flakes continue to dance lightly through the soft, crisp air.  It's a refreshing sight.

Amy is off to work at the hospital and I have the quiet house to myself for a short moment.  Our daughter is still sleeping in her crib and I have the monitor from her room by my side.  She will stir momentarily and I'll make her blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  Her small voice and infectious laughter will warm my heart.  However, right now, the house is quiet other than the sound of the furnace blowing the soothing warmness throughout and the clock marching the seconds around.

I am happy for the newness of the day.  The rhythms and routines of the week can dull my senses to the wonders around me so that I don't notice the crispness, the softness, the beauty in each moment.  This tiny respite is small but powerful as it reminds me that I am alive, I am connected to the wonderful world around me.

....there's the little voice in the crib....awake and ready to take on the day....."MOMMY" she says and here I go, the DADDY!


  1. I love this post. I can feel the relaxing warm environment you were in when you wrote this. Thank you for sharing this. I swear I hear her right now... moooommmy...daaaadddy. Love you!

  2. I like the post, too! Those moments are precious and wonderful. Good for you!
